From  Brisbane Courier Tuesday 18 July 1865:



THE annual banquet in commemoration of St. John’s Day was held in the Masonic Hall, Queen Street, on the evening of June 26. Tho Duke of Leinster Lodge, underthe Irish Constitution, one of the youngest lodges in the colony, took the initiative on this occasion; and the members of that lodge, to whom were entrusted the details, succeeded in performing their task most admirably. The hall was doeoratod in a very pleasing and tasteful manner, the banners belonging to the various lodges having been brought into requisition for the purpose of decoration. Between 50 and 60 brethren,consisting of representatives of the English, Irish and Scotch Constitutions, sat down to a feast prepared under the auspices of Brother R. Younge, of tho Royal Hotel, and which was certainly not inferior to that of any demonstration hither to be held in Brisbane. Tho chair was occupied by Brother Wilkinson, W.M., of the Duke of Leinster Lodge, who was supported on his right by the Provincial Grand Master of Queensland (A. O. Gregoiy, Esq.), and on the left by tho Provincial Grand Master Elect of the Irish Constitution (the lion. Colonol O’connell.) Among the remainder of the Brethren present, were several visitors high up in the craft; the Masters of the different Lodges in Brisbane; and nearly the whole of the Past Masters resident in town. In the intervals between the toasts, Brother Atkinson, who presided at the harmonium, discoursod some excellent music. Some very good songs aud duets were also well rendered by some of the Brethren present, together with two recitations by Brother Richard Young – “Shamus O’Brien,” aud “Lord Dllin’s Daughter.”

Shortly after 9 o’clock, the tables were removed, when the Chairman proposed the “Queen and the Craft”, winch was drank most enthusiastically, and followod by the National Anthem.

Tho next toast was “His Excellency the Governor”, also drank with enthusiasm.

The third toast was “The most Worshipful the Grand Masters of tho Grand Lodges of England, Scotland, and Ireland,” drank with all the honors.

Tho Chairman then proposod “The Provincial Grand Master of Queensland, under the English Constitution, and his P. G. Officers”.

Tho toast having beon drunk with all the honours, Brothor A. O. GEEGORY (Provincial GrandMastor) briefly responded. He was pleased that the brethren of the three Constitutions wera united firmly togother in furthering the general interests of Masonry. That they were so united must be evident from the fact of their having met together that evening, every lodge being represented. He concluded by proposing” Tho Provincial Grand Master of New South Wales, and Provincial Grand Master Elect of Queensland, under the Irish Constitution.”

Brothor Colonol O’CONNELL briefly responded. He was glad to perceive that great progress was being made with the craft in the colony; and he was sure that the good principles inculcated at the initiation of tho brethren would tend not only to the advancement of tho craft, but to the good of the community generally. It was pleasing, indeed, to him to see the Brethren of the English, Irish, nud Scotch constitution, meet together at the festive board, and was a good augury for tho future of Freemasonry in Queensland.

Brother W. F. 0. WILSON proposed the “Procial Grand Mastor Elect of Queensland, under the Scotch Constitution.” He said it was not necessary for him to praise the gentleman who was tho subject of the toast. His devotion to freemasonry was well known, and there was no doubt that he would at any time be prepared to assist a brother Mason. (Loud cheers.)

Brothor W. M. BOÏOE (Deputy Grand MastorElect of the Scotch Constitution) responded. He stated that ho was a very old Mason, and that his experience in India showed bim that all creeds, not excepting Mahomodans and Parscos could be united under the banuer of Freemasonry.

Brother A. 0. GBEOOBY proposed tho next toast- “The W.M. of the Duke of Leinster Lodge”. He was pleasod to see the inauguration of now lodges, and he knew that the difficulties encountered by the brethren who presided over those lodges woro many and great, and that it was desirable they should be assisted as much as possiblo by their officers. He had not the slightest doubt but that the gentleman who would preside for the next six months over the Duke of Leinster Lodge would do so to the best of his ability, and to the advancement of the order. (Hear, hear.)

The toast having boen drunk, with all the honors, Brothor WILKINSON briefly rosponded, expressing his willingness and determination to leave nothing undone during his term of office, to assist not only his own lodge, but to promotetho goneral interests of the order.

Colonol O’CONNELL proposod the noxt toast”, The Worshipful Masters and Past Masters of the various Constitutions”.

Brother MDBEAY, W.M., of the North Australian Lodge, responded, and in doing so expressed his sorrow that so many brethren who were prominent members of the order were absent.

Brothor SIMMONS proposed “The Visiting Brethren.” He considered that it was a very important toast, as at a lodge meeting he considered the visiting brethren the most important element, and wherever he was connected he should offer the best inducement to the “Visiting Brethren.”

Brother FYFE responded. He considered that it would perhaps have been better if some resident of Brisbane had been called upon to respond. However, it was one of the most pleasant duties he had to perform in connection with the ordor, as he knew that in whatever part of the world he might be he would be received as a visiting brother with the greatest hospitality. He proceeded to make a few brief but appropriate remarks on Freemasonry generally, and concluded by expressing his heartfelt thanks at the manner in which the toast had beon proposed and received.

Brothor MOFFATT proposed ” The Press”, which was briefly responded to.

Brothor HONEYMAN proposed “The Ladies ; though personally denied admittance to a Free-masons’ Lodge, yet are they over present with us in our hearts”.

Brother W.A. WILSON responded.

Brother DUDQEON proposed tho last toast onthe programme- “Our poor and sick Brethren”.

Subsequently, the toast of “The Parliament of Queensland”, which had beon accidentally omitted from the programme, was proposed by Brother FAIBFAX, and respondod to by Brother Colonel O’CONNELL and Brother WESTEENWOOD.

Brother SIMMONS proposed “Our Host,” and, in doing so, complimented Brothor Younge for the very excellent manner in which the banquet had been prepared.

Soveral other toasts having been drunk and duly responded to, a very pleasant company separated shortly after 12 o’clock